So finally today, I packed my bag and set out to take a few shots of my best friend and tennis pal Bobby Croll. I can't thank him enough for being the first to sit for me in front of the camera. For those of you that don't know, Bobby and I actually made a mockumentary film back in college called THE HOPEFUL, chronicling the next great tennis phenom who's big head and loud mouth got in the way of him becoming a champion. Bobby starred in the movie and for eight weeks we ran all over Madison, Wisconsin filming. Of my five plus years at school (don't laugh!), It was by far my favorite semester of college. And here we are, almost 10 years later and a friendship that is truly special.
I hope to have the project up and running officially soon on my site. I'm currently playing with the layout, trying to create something a little different than just entering a portfolio and scrolling through pictures. I want the project to showcase the player and hopefully inspire those that play and want to play.
In the meantime, if you are one of the few that reads my little blog and is curious about the project, or perhaps even wants to be photographed, please feel free to email me.
Here are a few frames from the session so you can see what its all about. Enjoy!