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Thursday, December 31, 2009


How do we reflect? What is there to say? And where did it all go? Boy it's tough to find the right words...I used to have a really great memory I'm told, but I guess because so much has happened in the last year, it's tough to think clearly. When I didn't know what to write at first, I went downstairs to the computer (I type the blog on my laptop) where I edit all my photos, jumped into my workflow, and began to drag and drop my photo folders into a master 2009 folder. Just when I thought I didn't shoot anywhere near as many frames as 2008, I was kind of blown away at how many times I actually picked up the camera and clicked the shutter. The memories came flooding back from Los Olivos wine country with Megan and David, Blake and Sara's Wedding in Naples, announcing to our parents that we are having a baby, Amanda's 30th Birthday, our annual July 4th trip to Ojai, more weddings like Sam and Justin's, Erica and Justin's, to home for Labor Day, back again for my grandmother's funeral, and the countless sessions documenting Amanda's ever growing tum-tum. I know I'm leaving out a ton, forgive me, but simply put, 2009 was an extraordinary year.

It's been a year of growth both personally and professionally. I find myself so very fortunate to work at one of the biggest movie studios in the world, to get to sit at the table with other creative minds - directors, writers, actors, producers and executives - try and take people out of their everyday lives, and propel them into a world we've created so they can just for, if even a minute, step into a fantasy and forget reality. It's pretty darn cool if you ask me. What else is there to do in this world?

To be paid to do what you love...ain't that the dream?" - Maguire, Road to Perdition

As an artist, I find myself growing every day. When the camera comes to my eye, it feels different then before...maybe that's just because another year has passed or I've learned a thing or two. I'd like to think the latter. I'm always looking at things around me, visualizing how I'd take the shot. What do I know? Not much, but I go with my instincts. To me, it's important to bring that creative drive each and every day. Get in the mix, do things differently than others. I strive not to be the same.

As we move forward into 2010, I want to leave you with a few of my best shots, the frames that I feel represent my best work over the last year. I hope you enjoy. And here's to an unbelievable 2010.





Sunday, December 27, 2009


Yesterday, Amanda gave me the responsibility of making dinner plans on a Saturday night. More so than not, I usually already have a reservation lined up, and if I don't, 9 times out of 10, we most likely end up at Gulf Stream. Being that it's the holidays and we've been stuck in West Hollywood the last week or so, anything fifteen minutes in any direction would feel like getting out of town. Those of you that live in Los Angeles know exactly what I'm talking about. Anyway, my first instinct was Manhattan Beach, but I'm not familiar with the area and wouldn't know what to pick. After searching the web for half-an-hour, I came across chef Michael Voltaggio. For those of you that don't know him, Michael won season 6 of Top Chef and is the head chef at The Dinning Room inside The Langham Hotel in Pasadena. Perfect. Pasadena is only like 25 minutes from our place. It's like going to St. Paul if you life in Plymouth! We got in the car, hit a little traffic (there must have been a Lakers or Clippers game...who knows), and arrived in beautiful Pasadena. The hotel is exquisite, just a hop skip and jump from downtown, though you wouldn't know it since it was already dark out when we arrived. I couldn't get my bearing for the life of me and I'm pretty good with sense of direction. Just ask my dad about the time we took a driving trip to Los Angeles when I was fifteen, trying to get back to the hotel and we drove toward the beach for an hour. My dad screaming at my mother "where in the hell are we", and then yours truly chimes in saying "we've been driving the wrong way for an hour." Did I mention I was lying down in the back seat and hadn't looked up in 45 minutes??!!

Anyway, the food was amazing. The best meal Amanda and I've had in the last few months. The Japanese Shima Aji was hands down the most amazing piece of food I have ever put in my mouth. Simply a fantastic dinning experience. Michael made a quick appearance in the dinning room but we were shy in getting his attention.

Of course I brought the Leica for some quick snapshots. Sadly no pictures of the food. Darn. But the hotel is absolutely beautiful. Don't know if the photos will do justice since we were there at night, but here are a few. By the way, I still made a reservation at Gulf Stream as a back up. Ya never know.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


It's been amazing experience documenting Amanda's pregnancy. Frankly, it feels just like yesterday we found out the wonderful news. As we come down to the last few weeks (only six more to go), I'm trying to document as much as possible, carrying my Leica D-LUX 4 almost everywhere I go now. It's a fun little camera to keep in your pocket. You just never know when a great opportunity will present itself. Like just the other morning as Amanda went off to work, I couldn't help but snap a quick photo in the entry of our condo - she giving a peace sign which has become her signature pose as of late. I love it.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


It's been quite a while since my last photo outing. Frankly, I just haven't had the time. But last Sunday morning I had the pleasure of hanging with the Friedman Family at La Cienega Park for some new family photos. Check out a few below. Enjoy.