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Tuesday, December 31, 2013


To be honest, I don't know where to begin. It's like "the world went and got itself in a big damn hurry." "If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." It's the truth. And when it comes down to it, it's all about the truth. Being truthful to ourselves, to one another, the ones we love, etc. Because that's all we have at the end of the day. For me, the truth is in these pictures.

So what to say. Hmmm.  I learned something from a movie the other day. Would you believe that finally this year, my 35th year of life, I finally watched It's a Wonderful Life?!?!? And I work in the biz! Don't tell anybody. I've seen bits and pieces over the years, but never put the whole thing together until now. Yep, I'm the one. And truthfully, now I get it, some of the best filmmaking, quite practically ever. I now I know, but I had to watch it to finally see what all the fuss was about! Some of you probably hate it, or think it's overrated, but whatever. After watching, a lot of this past year crystalized for me. You see George Bailey was too blind to see that he was loved and appreciated. That there were good people just like him. And what he wanted most in life, more importantly, what truly mattered most, was right there in front of him all the time. He thought there was something more fulfilling out there, something he was quite possibly missing, something bigger. But at the end of the day, he came home, back to the here and now. I'm not saying I don't love what I have, in fact, I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world. I love my wife, she is my soul mate and forever, I dream about her even when she's right there in front of me in the real, she makes me a better man, and she deserves everything, EV-REE-THING. For my girls, I cry just casting an eye upon them because I can't put into words how proud I feel, how amazing they are and will become as they grow up.  Please don't ever grow up, please. 

I'm not going to do one of those recaps like I do each year and what I hope for the next. I just hope more of us will simply take a moment and really think about our lives - what we have, what we want, and appreciate the journey we are all on. We are only here for a second, truly. One day, one moment, it's over. Have fun, smile, make the best out of the moment, never stop dreaming, hug your kids, kiss your wife, find the good in people, have good values, instill them in your kids, help people, help as many as you can, gossip less, smile again, work hard, repeat, and don't fuck it up. Tomorrow may never come, and then what?

Again, what do I know, not a whole lot, but a thing or two about a thing or two, just take a second and think about it, appreciate it, smile, dream, live...

So here is the truth!

Estella Lake

Sylvie Rain

Amanda Dame

Sylvie Rain & Estella Lake, Estella Lake & Sylvie Rain

Snap Shots


Me aka The Guy Who Clicks The Shutter And Makes Pictures

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


We had the great pleasure of spending this past Thanksgiving in Palm Springs with our close and dear friends The Rosenbergs. From The Living Desert Zoo, swimming with the Kassar and Rosenberg families, lunch at Manhattan Deli, to dinners at Las Cansuelas Nuevas and Matchbox, and taking the girls to see Frozen, we couldn't have asked for a more peaceful and happy time. Thank you again to Billy and Sheryl for inviting us to their Palm Springs Oasis. The bigger question, when can we go back?!?!?

Here are a few of my favorites from the holiday, everything shot on my M9 and converted to B/W in Lightroom.