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Saturday, January 1, 2011

GOODBYE 2010, HELLO 2011!

Hands down the greatest year of my life. To kick it off, little Sylvie Rain came into this world last January 18 and it's hard to believe just how fast time flys - it's literally been a whirlwind...but a great one! It feels like I've only known life with Sylvie - a great feeling. I made a movie. It did well at the box office (lucky me), finishing up another one (fingers crossed), in the middle of a picture shooting, and a bunch on the front burner ready to go, Sylvie's Baby Blessing, trips to Ojai and Wine Country, Toronto Film Festival, Hawaii, and home for the holidays. Wait..I must be forgetting something?

To think back at all the highs and lows that happened over this past year, it's actually hard to figure out what to talk about because so much happened. Though I know I'm a better man because of those experiences. My all time favorite though was being with Amanda at the hospital when we welcomed our daughter into the world.

So what to hope for in 2011? I want to smile more, laugh more than I have ever laughed before in my life, and just enjoy it damn it! I'm a worrier...I have to do less of that...it all works out in the end, right? I want to hug and kiss Amanda and Sylvie more, find the time to call my sister at least once a week because she deserves it, give Susu more than the twelve minutes I give her on the ride home, visit Chicago to see my niece and nephew, excel at work, buy something that I love for Paramount, take pictures, lots of pictures, get back in to maintaining my website, see movies, go shopping with my father in law, volunteer, do something nice for a complete stranger, make sure Glenda and Rodrigo are taken care of, and see my father as well as make sure he sees Sylvie more. And I'm sure I'll think of a few more...

It wouldn't be an end of the year blog if I didn't include my favorite photos. I'm guessing over the course of the year I snapped 10,000 photos of Sylvie. My dad likes to tell me "take a few pictures?" when I send him my albums through Kodak. Well, again, it was a special year. So as for my year's best, there may be a few more than normal. It was tough to narrow it down, but as the Doc said in Back to the Future, "ahhh, what the he'll!"

To everyone who reads me (well...only a few of you, right?), I hope you had an amazing 2010, and that 2011 brings you much love, happiness, and success. Make it a good one.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller



Why I Love Shooting


  1. Awee! Love this post. No more worrying. Seriously, it's not worth it. Enjoy life! You are so full of talent just do it all and smile!


  2. Andrew, you MUST bring your camera to my wedding in September. I absolutely love how you capture the moment just right. Congratulations on an amazing and successful year!

    Cousin Deb

  3. I am continually impressed by your talent, Andrew. We miss dinners with y'all and looking forward to Gymboree! Xxhillary
