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Friday, September 30, 2011


Another wonderful year...

Sylvie Rain was spotted early Thursday morning after high-holiday services at Temple Israel Hollywood, shortly thereafter on Fairfax outside Canter's Deli, and no sooner at The Nosh of Beverly Hills for an early brunch with a small entourage. She hosted dinner that evening at her West Hollywood home (sounds like we have a big house when I say it that way doesn't it...) with close friends and family - notably starlit couple Alan Joos and Carolina Elias. Also in attendance was power real estate broker and mother Amanda Calof as well as Hollywood Socialites Susan and Donald Dame aka Susu and Papa.

It was a wonderful year and no better way to celebrate with family and friends. Check out some of the paparazzi shots throughout the day...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is amazing. If you are fan of the show or just want to watch something magical, check it out. Friday Nights won't be the same without you. Texas forever.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


My little cousin Deb is all grown up. It feels literally like yesterday, 1988 (just throwing out a year) that we were at Bubby Sophie's house for Shabbat Dinner - a little brisket, chicken, potato kinish, cream soda, Zade at one end, Bubby at the other. If we got done in time, we just might catch the end of Dallas! It's hard to believe just how fast time flies, you blink and it's 23 years later and your little cousin, who's not so little anymore, is getting married.

The wedding was gorgeous and planned by my Aunty Elissa...it was perfect. A beautiful Minnesota afternoon and evening on Nicollet Island, what more could u ask for. Deb looked stunning and John handsome, both complimenting each other in only the best of ways. Deb's dress was beautiful, a fluid A-line (did I get that right??!!), lacy back, and a train that was the perfect length, the boys in grey suits matching the cute cocktail dresses worn by the girls.

Amanda and I were so glad we could share with you on this special day. We love you very much. Thanks for letting me snap a few photos. Some b&ws for now but, many more to come. Enjoy. Reminder to click on the photo to enlarge.

One of Sylvie for good measure...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


A fun one from the weekend. More to come later.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Real quick post, but a much needed and relaxing weekend. Grove. Park. Show. Tennis. Park. Dinner. Show. Ikea. Friends. More Show. More Tennis. Been so busy the last few months that I realized I haven't been taking any photos of my darling Sylvie. We played in her house a bit ago and had so much fun. She knows stuff, lots of stuff. Incredible. Love hearing her soft voice.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Was going through some old photos I'd taken a couple years back and have always loved this one. There is always somewhat of a dreamlike experience being this close to the sign that gives me confidence - it's pretty cool. I remember Amanda and I were hiking, just the two of us up in the hills, LBS (life before Sylvie) as we like to call it. It was a beautiful day, sun still pretty high in the west, creating a nice reflection off the Hollywood sign.