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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


My little cousin Deb is all grown up. It feels literally like yesterday, 1988 (just throwing out a year) that we were at Bubby Sophie's house for Shabbat Dinner - a little brisket, chicken, potato kinish, cream soda, Zade at one end, Bubby at the other. If we got done in time, we just might catch the end of Dallas! It's hard to believe just how fast time flies, you blink and it's 23 years later and your little cousin, who's not so little anymore, is getting married.

The wedding was gorgeous and planned by my Aunty Elissa...it was perfect. A beautiful Minnesota afternoon and evening on Nicollet Island, what more could u ask for. Deb looked stunning and John handsome, both complimenting each other in only the best of ways. Deb's dress was beautiful, a fluid A-line (did I get that right??!!), lacy back, and a train that was the perfect length, the boys in grey suits matching the cute cocktail dresses worn by the girls.

Amanda and I were so glad we could share with you on this special day. We love you very much. Thanks for letting me snap a few photos. Some b&ws for now but, many more to come. Enjoy. Reminder to click on the photo to enlarge.

One of Sylvie for good measure...

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, these photos are absolutely incredible. The one of bubby looking back to see who was walking down brought be to tears instantly. Thank you SO MUCH for taking such brilliant photos, and thank you and Amanda for spending our special weekend with us! We love you :)
