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Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's been a year - where to even begin? I can honestly say, it's been the best year of my life. Sylvie is so full of character, energy and life...it's incredible - I think it's even rubbing off on me and those that know me well, that's a good thing. My wife is incredible, my best friend in the world. I don't know where I'd be without her. She's let me realize my dream...I hope she says the same about me.

We saw friends and family, went to a wedding or two. We traveled, whether it was across the pond to Malta, down to New Orleans, over to the Windy City, quick getaways to Ojai, and of course back home to little old Minnesota where it all started. With that said, we definitely get it done and get on our share of planes. This coming year, little Sylvie gets her own seat - oh boy!

We celebrated each others success, met new friends, started new adventures, closed the door on old ones. We laughed, cried, cheered, pouted, argued, played, sang, skyped, smiled, etc...

I made six movies - six frickin movies. Broke bread with fancy celebrities - two of the biggest movie stars in the world, flew on private jets, had fancy meals, went to war, cut countless sizzle reels, and somehow came out the other side. I did all right I guess, but who is honestly keeping score...I'm a kid in a candy store.

I've realized what my favorite sound in the whole world is - Sylvie's voice. It's the greatest, so sweet, the way she puts an S on the end of every word, it just works. She is an angel.

So what about 2012??? Well, honestly, I hope it's more of the same. A new house with more space would be nice - it's good to set goals!

With that said, here is the year in photos from where I sat... I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I did this past year.

Evolution of Sylvie

Amanda & Sylvie


Getsug/Taillon Wedding


Sylvie & Friends


Just Because...


Also, here are some of the leading news outlets year in photos as well.





Thursday, December 29, 2011


Fun night out with Sylvie Bea and Sylvie Rain at The Grove. Dinner at The Farm, playtime in the park.

The Fountain
Sylvie Bea
Sylvie Rain
The Two Sylvies

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Looking back over the year, I could have sworn we went to Ojai more than once - I guess I was wrong and the only other time was back in June.

We got in the car mid morning Friday and traffic was as light as it's ever been - only took us about an hour and fifteen minutes door-to-door. We went to the local park off the main street, then back to the resort to check-in to our home away from home - room 751. Later, we went for a walk and Sylvie got a big dinger on her forehead after trying to get her footing on some rocks. Jimmy's Pub was kind enough to give us a bag of ice and chips for the road. Sylvie and I tooled around the putting green and then got ready for dinner when Amanda returned from the gym. We went to Azu, got some ice cream to go, and went back to the hotel.

The next morning we had breakfast in our room, more park, a coffee in town, window shopping, more gym and treatments at the Spa. Sylvie and Amanda managed to get some swimming in. We kept dinner casual and went to Jimmy's Pub on the grounds - even after staying at the resort 10+ times we'd never been. Pizza, chicken wings, salad and a hotdog and fries for Sylvie.

Sunday was more of the same - breakfast in our room and swimming at the pool. We were on the road by 130 in the afternoon and back to reality by 245.