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Friday, February 24, 2012


Mexico. Long overdue getaway for Amanda and I this past weekend. We traveled with friends Meghan & David Thwaites to Cabo San Lucas. Little did we know that the G20 Conference was being held at our hotel The Sheraton Hacidena - metal detectors, armed military, secret police - we were in possibly the safest location within Mexico's boarders. Even the President of Mexico made an appearance along with Hillary Clinton. No, we didn't see either. Just like Hollywood celebs - they were there, but just a rumor from where we were sitting.

It was a wonderful trip, day at the pool, day at the beach. Dinner at a great local spot that Meghan and David introduced us to called La Fonda, late night shopping at the local snatch and grab shops where everything is negotiable, ice cream fire side back at the hotel. We ventured out to the Esperanza Hotel for M & D's wedding anniversary, which was amazing, a beach side fireworks display and some interesting chats about the King of Pop over some desert wine.

Coming home was another story - Air Force 2 was holding up departures out of Cabo. And of course United Airlines decided not to announce anything to it's passengers until the very last minute as we were all waiting frantically to get our boarding passes. It was handled so unprofessionally. It's just another reason why air travel sucks.

But we made it home in one piece, gave Sylvie many hugs and kisses, and were so fortunate to have Susan and Don make the trip to take care of Ms. Rain.

Check us out. Canon 5D Mark II w 24-70mm f/2.8

Sherraton Hacienda Hotel
Dinner at La Fonda
Late Night Fireside Chats - SHERRRRATONE!
Meghan & David's Anniversary Evening

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