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Saturday, September 25, 2010

I STILL HAVE A SOUL - short video

Not often enough do I come across something with enough heart and soul that truly inspires me - stories that are about the human spirit, that bring out the best in what we as people are capable of. This short video came to my attention yesterday, and was blown away at the just the amount of emotion it evokes - that if you want something bad enough, if you want to make a change in your life, you will stop at nothing to get there...it's powerful stuff. I love how it plays with the expectation that when you meet this character you've already formed an opinion about who he is, but by the end of the story, it turns out to be something completely different. As well, the underplaying medley only strengthens that emotional drive that is breathtaking. Anyway, check it out...

HBO "I Still Have A Soul" from Paradise Square Films on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I never got the opportunity to post these back in August when Amanda, Sylvie, and I had some family portraits taken by the talented photographer Heather Kincaid. Heather is brilliant and if you haven't had the opportunity to check out her site, please take a few minutes to look around. She has an editorial, photojournalist, and fashion style all rolled into one that I absolutely adore.


Anyway, here are a few behind the camera of my beautiful wife and daughter that I snapped with my Leica.

On Rosh Hashanna it is written...On Yom Kippur it is sealed.

Ohh those ten days...where you're suppose to think about all the sins you committed in the last year and repent. Amanda, Sylvie and I were in great company this year. As always, we had Rosh Hashanna at our home to celebrate the coming new year. Even our little Sylvie went to shul. What she was repenting for I have no idea, but our angel found the willingness (she's only 8 months old) to sit through an hour and forty-five minutes of temple - I'd like to report, she did it with ease, with the coolness of an avid davnen'r. Check out her outfit...very Jackie Kennedy.

Then the festivities! Amanda's honeymoon chicken accompanied by her world famous koogle and matzah ball soup...delicious. From the freshly baked challah, salad, and amazing deserts (and of course, lots and lots of wine), we had an amazing meal. Amanda gave a sweet welcome, grateful and thankful that we have such wonderful friends in Los Angeles that we are able to share this special holiday with...we love you. Check out who was on hand...everyone who showed is accounted for, well, except me. L'Shana Tova.



Lisa and Todd were kind enough to host this year's break fast at their home. A totally different scene with half-a-dozen little people all trying to get their hands on the best toy, sharing "bah-bahs," and playing nice. It was a wonderful evening. I made a little friend named Bell, but didn't get a good shot of her...next time I guess. Ok the book is closed, no more names...

Monday, September 6, 2010


Great friends, good food, and fantastic wine! What more could one ask for this labor day weekend...With the summer coming to a close (put away those white jeans), we were so excited to be getting out of Los Angeles for the long weekend. Amanda and I have been saying for the past two weeks, "Can we just go already?" Well, the weekend finally was upon us, we packed up the car and headed north to Los Olivos, CA for a weekend of just being plain lazy, joined by Meghan & David Thwaites, Hannah Minghella & Mitch Larson.

We had it all planned out, get on the road between 10-1030am Saturday morning, get to the vineyard by 1ish, relaxing with a glass of wine shortly thereafter. Snap! Boy did that plan go out the window when we hit wall to wall traffic immediately after getting on the 101 freeway...I guess a million other people had the same idea - who'd ever thunk it?!!. We crept along at a snails pace, eventually the drive taking its toll - both of us starving and if you don't know Amanda and she doesn't get a little something something to eat, it can get real bad real quick (I love you sweetheart)! Instead of pushing on through, we eventually stopped in Montecito to get something to eat. Amanda spotted a coffee shop serving ice-tea to some people outside - we knew we had arrived at our destination. Sylvie was so happy to get out of the car...spitfire. Amanda got a salad and myself a burger. The rest of the drive was easy peasy. We worked our way through God's Country on the 154, eventually arriving at our destination around 3 o'clock on the swatch watch. The place was amazing, a bit dated, but just lovely. It was well worth the effort getting there.

All and all the weekend was spectacular, moving at a pace that if I could figure out how to make a living, I would relocate to Los Olivos in a heartbeat. We were surrounded by the vast beauty of rolling hills, pink sunsets, enough wine to last us a lifetime and of course, Ms. Sylvie Rain. It was perfect.

As for the photography, there was an endless amount of moments to capture. I took about 400 or so frames. The light in the morning and early evening was heavenly. Rather than take you through the whole weekend, I figure I'll mix it up a bit and talk about some of the photos below as you browse. Take a look at some of my favorites.

We started the evening off with a bottle of Koehler of course.

Sylvie looking fantastic in her cowgirl hat.

Bringing in the first sunset on the back lawn...amazing.

Koehler's finest...

Uncle David was very excited to show Sylvie one of his true loves...the wine at Foxen.

We picniced at Lincourt Vineyard between Los Olivos and Solvang. I was trying to think up something on the fly to capture the wine tasting experience so I threw up these two glasses and snapped a quick shot...fudge! I forgot the bottle of wine!

Hannah & Mitch.

Meghan and David pointing to their vineyard they plan to buy in 20 years...hopefully sooner.

Another amazing sunset...it's all about long shadows.

Probably everyone's favorite part of the weekend was having some wine & cheese as the sun set in the west...what more do want...

And to top it off, Sylvie was caught trespassing on private property and spent the morning in jail with her doggie....

I'll send out the full batch later in the week, most likely on Thursday (L'shanah Tova) when I have more time, but as they say in wine country, I just wanted you all to have a quick "taste."

Friday, September 3, 2010


This is a first people, two blogs in one day...I must have the day off or something...

When I heard Glenda was bringing her son Rodrigo over for the day, I was very excited to take everyone to the park. Rodrigo is such a sweetheart...Sylvie absolutely loves him. We packed the car around 315 and scooted to La Cienega park...one of the few parks in the area that has swings for little people like Sylvie. We had an absolute blast followed by some ice cream.

Here are a few photos to check out. I love the two of Rodrigo in front of the coke and candy machines. Off to wine country manana.


When I started my blog a year or so back, I wanted to talk about the things I love - my family, photography, movies, and tennis. There hasn't been a whole lot of tennis talk as of late, but now that the US open is in full swing, there is plenty to discuss.

What I like to call my "favorite two weeks of the year," the US Open kicked off on Monday. Federer already looking great, crushing the ball with incredible racket head speed - getting his confidence going in the first few rounds so as he works his way deeper into the draw, other plays will fear him...ohh and they absolutely will. Though Nadal looks pretty solid, already been given two prime time night session matches and a third this evening. He's moving with incredible agility and absolutely punishing the ball. Though the big question still remains - will his body hold up over the two weeks? So far with only night matches and avoiding the heat during the day...he just might make it.

Roddick made a quick exit in the first round. He hasn't found his game all year and I don't see it resurrecting any time soon.

As for Djokovic, that hot head Serbian who walks around Flushing Meadow like he owns the place is a player I just love to hate. Cocky and confident, but only one major under his belt - that's it man. His father even looks like a prick...hmm I wonder where Novak gets it from. And then when asked by Brad Gilbert whether he had a tweener shot like Roger's in his arsenal after last night's victory, Novak said, "No, I have something else between my legs." Dude...you have not earned the right to comment about Roger Federer like that. You need to worry about James Blake in the next round who may be the one of the most dangerous players in the draw and possess the biggest forehand in the game, well that's if he can get it in! Anyway, just shut your trap and be humble for a second please.

Anyway more later, and if you didn't see it the other night, take a look at Rogers' between the legs shot...frickin incredible.