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Saturday, November 27, 2010


I was getting a massage the other day (well a week ago now) on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii thinking to myself just how thankful I am to have arrived at this moment in time with a beautiful wife and daughter, good health, amazing friends, and a pretty special job. And though this posting might not be so timely now that its almost two weeks after Thanksgiving, it's still important to highlight how thankful I am for what I have.

My best friend Amanda is the most amazing person in the whole world - she keeps the wheel spinning round and round, the glue that holds us also together, my rock, my angel. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am today. She's the one who leaves for work later in the morning and the one who rushes to get home early. She sacrifices more than anyone I know, and I can't thank her enough for everything. My daughter Sylvie, who is healthy, full of character and personality, smart, and ready to take on the world already at 11 months...wow! My family, who has been nothing but loving and supportive over the years, backing my hopes and dreams. And of course my friends, who I think of as family. You know who you are. Thank you for being such great and supportive friends to Amanda, Sylvie and me.

Thanksgiving was a little different this year. Amanda and I were invited to Brad Cox's daughters wedding on the Big Island of Hawaii. Brad is Amanda's boss and mentor at CBRE. The Cox family has treated us like family over the years, making the long trek to our wedding and inviting us over to their beautiful home in Marina del Rey time and time again. They are very special people. Amanda and I had the greatest time, soaking it in with bride Courtney and her charismatic groom Andrew, as well as all of his 'mates' from down under. The hotel was beautiful, the wedding devine, perfect weather, amazing food...the list goes on and on. It was wonderful to see two people so in love. More importantly it was a treat to spend time just Amanda and I. I love her.

The scenery was absolutely amazing and I was excited to bring all my camera gear. Was fun to pack a specific bag being that you can't take every lens and camera body. What I packed:

Lowepro Flipside 400 AW Backpack
Point and shoot Leica D-Lux 4
D300s body
17-55mm f/2.8
12-24mm f/4
85mm f/1.4
70-300mm f/4.5-5.6
SB-900 speed light
SD and Compact flash cards
Replacement battery and power supply

I think I got a few good shots...here are a few from the weekend.

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