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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


We couldn't sleep, Amanda and I were the ones with anxiety. Would she get up on time, be ready, would she cry, would she even want to go - the questions we asked ourselves the night before Sylvie's first day of pre-school.

This kid, I'm telling you, can do anything, and she's only two years seven months old. She carries herself with grace and confidence. You can see it in her eyes. The way she talks. The words she uses. The expression on her face.

Before we knew it she let go of our hands, ran into the class room to greet her teachers, meet new friends, and venture into the next chapter of her little yet big big life. We are so proud.

A few from Sylvie's first day of pre-school.  From my friends Led Zeppelin..."Ramble on" Sylvie!

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