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Sunday, October 7, 2012


One of those weddings you talk about for a long time. Ned Specktor, one of my oldest and dearest friends got married to Megan Wolf last weekend in Bloomfield Hills, MI. It was an incredible incredible wedding and weekend, filled with festivities, seeing old friends, making new ones, celebrating with the bride and groom and their respective families.

Ned and I became friends over the summer in 1996, a silly little watch I used to wear to our tennis group is what started the conversation. From following him to the gas station after practice one morning because Ned was nervous he might run out of gas, we instantly became friends. We remained friends through college and both made a pact that we'd move to Hollywood after we graduated. That was 16 years ago and when Ned introduced Amanda, Sylvie, and I to Megan, we were instantly smitten - she's a classy girl, smart and kind, well mannered and full of life just like Ned.

I can't help but bring my camera wherever I go - now I'm the guy with Leica M9 slung over my shoulder. People ask me if I'm a photographer, I tell them I just take pictures. So to be in a foreign place with camera in hand, I was stoked to shoot as many frames as possible. From the rehearsal, to the grooms dinner at The Community House, wandering around quaint downtown Birmingham, getting ready the afternoon of the big day, the wedding at Temple Beth El, and finally shooting the party at Tam O'Shanter Country Club, there were a lot of opportunities to capture something interesting. I hope I accomplished that in the photos you see below.

It was a perfect weekend on all fronts - first class to say the least. Love to the Wolf and Specktor families. So much more to say but not enough time. Ned and Megan, we love you very much, can't wait to see you both when you return home. Mazel Tov.

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