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Sunday, August 22, 2010


Bobby and Hillary, fresh off their honeymoon to Italy and France, had us over for a beautiful dinner Friday evening. Sylvie was well dressed and ready to party. She was all smiles after taking a good 20 minutes to warm up to the newlywed Crolls - funny to say the Crolls and not be referring to Bobby's parents, Alan and Sandy!

We cracked a couple bottles of wine as Hillary finished preparing dinner. Bobby made a quick trip to the supermarket to get tuna. For appetizers, Hillary prepared an amazing crostini with burrata cheese and fresh tomatoes...it was delicious. The main course was a nicoise salad and for desert, coffee ice cream pie...hmmm good.

Thanks for having us over...it was great seeing you both. We love you guys.

"Back away from the baby...she's mine...you'll get your turn later..."

"Give me that camera!"

Sunday, August 15, 2010


My darling Sylvie will be seven months old on Tuesday! Holy Shnikes. Already have the birthday party extravaganzas that Amanda and I so clearly heard about been popping off every few weekends. I have to admit, they are a lot of fun. It's like I'm 13 all over again, on the bar/bat mitzvah scene, wondering what the theme will be that Saturday night! I mean the music, the food, the people, the daddy's, the mommy's, the decorations, the party favors, and of course the cake...oh my goodness I'm spent!

Which brings me to Sylive's dear friend Lillie Lainer, who had her first birthday today. Yay Lillie! She's a little button that girl, blond hair, blue eyes, sweet like watermelon. Just a small affair - about 25 or so kiddala x 1.5 parents! The food was fantastic, the band rocked out to classic anthems that really made it fun for the adults. Kids...you'll appreciate it some day when you are older...it's just better music then that garbage that is on the air these days.

Anyway, it was a wonderful wonderful party. Marisa & Arik - you hit it out of the park. Here are a few highlights. Enjoy.

Happy B-Day Lillie. BTW, my daughter looks like she's from the 20s - she's timeless, like Marion Cotillard!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I have a crush on a new camera and unless I win the lottery, I'll probably never own one! The Leica M9 has been out for quite some time and frankly, I'm a little obsessed. I find myself googling the word 'leica' with the hope of the camera literally jumping out of the screen and into my lap (never gonna happen). I sometimes find my way to YouTube watching videos about the M9, looking for a super slick deal on Amazon, to hopefully getting lucky on some certified dealer website. But it never happens. In fact, no matter where you look, the camera is 7K new or used, and that's just for the body alone! Are you frickin kidding me! And even if I was to win the lottery, a 50m lens will still run you another 2K. So I guess I'm going to have to start a donation bin or something. If anyone wants to donate to my M9 slush fund, please don't hesitate. Cash, credit card, personal check are all accepted. In the meantime, my Leica D-Lux will have to satisfy the fix.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Many Different Faces of Sylvie Rain

6 months! Can you frickin' believe it! I was talking to my dad the other night telling him that it feels like I've only known life with Sylvie Rain in it. It's the greatest feeling on earth. She is one of a kind.

Lately, she has been the most charismatic little thing, so many ranges of emotion that it is just amazing to watch her transform before my eyes.

This last weekend I had everything and anything to do. With six to seven movies literally all on the verge of going in the next few months, my life has been flipped up side down. I had no idea how I was going to cram it all - the notes, the reading, this and that but somehow it all got done...and the best part, I even found a little time to shoot some frames of Sylvie. Amanda was at the gym and with Sylvie between naps, I knew my time was limited. My little subject though was such a character. She was a total professional and ready for her close up. Here are few...enjoy!

The Shot